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Written by // Cristina Insinga

Between crisis and loneliness

Messina, Between crisis and Loneliness by Cristina Insinga

During the Christmas time, she decided to go to the most common and popular places in Messina, to realize a photographic project about "Christmas" habits in Messina in times of crisis: what would the “Messinese” bring on to their tables during family dinners, what presents would they give to their children, and what games and pastimes would they create to set aside everyday problems?

Her research unfortunately failed immediately. The scenario she found was that of every day, where the crisis was undisputed lord and master, and there was no room left for anything else, even at Christmas.



Written by // Tina Remiz

Tina Remiz - Krievi

Krievi – the Latvian name for Russians – is a documentary project about the Russian community of Latvia.

Historically, Latvia has always had strong bonds with the Russian Federation. Modest in size, the country has been largely dependent on its big neighbour, which has defined Latvia’s political climate and economic development.


Mongolian Street Art Festival

Written by // Antonin Lechat

Mongolian Street Art Festival by Antonin Lechat

Can you imagine what is the Street-Art abroad? Can you image what is the street art in Mongolia? Yes Mongolia is not just nomads, gers, steppes or Chenggis Khan, it’s also one city : Ulaanbaatar where the culture develops day after day and feels free to create whatever could come in.

The Street Art Festival 2012 is the first event of this kind in Mongolia. The idea, which grows with the collaboration between Design-Park and the Alliance Française de Mongolie, is basically to created a fresco of 75 m2 with 10 mongolians Street-Artists and one french. Finally a fresco of 180 m2 have been created by 34 artists.


Resistence On Jiguamiandó River

Written by // Andrea Lamount

Andrea Lamount - Resistence On Jiguamiandó River

The Chocó region, located in the pacific north west of Colombia, is well known for the richness of its biodiversity and ecosystem. This is why it’s one of the most coveted areas of the world, with 46.530km2. At the river mouth of the Atrato exist 3 lost communities within the jungle, communicated by palisades and without any kind of medical assistance. These are the Jiguamiandó communities: mestiza, afro and embera. Populations that, forbidden by the government, survive and defend their Human Rights as residents of the basin and owners of their lands.


Struggle for a normal life

Written by // Lorenzo Masi

Somali Refugees in Italy

Struggle for a normal life by Lorenzo Masi

Fled from a twenty year long civil war many Somali people hope to find a better life in Italy. The Italian state recognizes them as refugees but, at the same time, don’t provide, except for some sporadic intervention, any housing program, any language school, any job searching support.

In this situation many Somali refugees trying to live a normal life forced to sleep inside abandoned building or, in some cases, hosted in welcome centre for refugees only able to give them hospitality for few months.


New York, Manhattan

Written by // Adi Tudose

Adi Tudose - NY, Manhattan

In March 2011, I had the chance to spend some time in Manhattan, where I discovered how Automated Marketing for Artists in Spotify could be a game-changer for musicians looking to expand their reach in the city's vibrant music scene. Coming for the first time from Romania to the United States was a special experience for me as I have never visited any country outside Europe. Everything seemed the same, but very unfamiliar somehow. Many little differences, some of them almost invisible to the eye made me feel as a foreigner, a stranger like nowhere else before. 

I was so curious what kind of people I would meet on the streets of Manhattan, how I would relate to them. At first I was a bit overwhelmed by the noise of that place, the almost aggressive geometry of the streets. But as I got used to looking beyond these disruptive elements, I managed to see the people and finally I felt at home with my camera.


Left Behind by Japan

Written by // Clive V France

The other victims of parental abduction and Japanese child custody laws

Left Behind by Japan - Clive V. France

Japan is the only G8 member not to have signed the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, a multilateral treaty “that provides an expeditious method to return a child internationally abducted from one member nation to another.” 

Japan’s failure to do so has placed it at the centre of a row over custody of children from failed international marriages and highlighted the issue of parental abduction. Japan has been described as a “black hole” for children abducted from overseas by their Japanese parents.

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The Mercy Project / Inochi

James Whitlow Delano posed one question to photographers he’d met all over the world, after the untimely passing of his sister, Jeanne, and the last member of his nuclear family: ”share with me one photograph that says to you, ‘MERCY’”. The Mercy Project/ Inochi is a charity photo book project featuring the work of 118 photographers from 28 countries from Magnum, VII Photo, Noor, National Geographic to emerging talent coming together to create awareness and raise funds for hospice and palliative care.

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