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Future/Past by Evan Prince

Steampunk is a SciFi genre with a Victorian twist. The clothing, culture, and machinery are all based in Victorian history but along with most SciFI there are plenty of liberties taken. The aesthetic is familiar enough but seems to belong to an historical past that didn’t quite exist. Steampunk culture has bled into comic books, movies, art and of course conventions. These conventions , similar to the world famous ComicCon, provide fans for all parts of the Steampunk universe with a gathering place.


Eight steps to becoming a professional photographer

Eight steps to becoming a professional photographer

Commercial and editorial photographer shares her wisdom and the steps it takes to become a pro shooter.


Rainbow Warrior: In route to Fukushima

Written by // Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert

Measuring the human errors

Rainbow Warrior: In route to Fukushima

After the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March 2011, Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert accompanied Greenpeace members on their trip to Fukushima on board the Rainbow Warrior to sample the levels of radioactivity in the seawater. This is his experience.


The FujiFilm X100 Contest

Want to win a Fujifilm camera?

The FujiFilm X100 Contest

Capture the decisive momentwin your camera and publish your photo in F8Mag.

Current Issue F8Mag #6

F8Mag #6

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